arXiv link:
A simple geometric algebra is shown to contain automatically the leptons and
quarks of a generation of the Standard Model, and the electroweak and color
gauge symmetries. The algebra is just the Clifford algebra of a complex
six-dimensional vector space endowed with a preferred Witt decomposition, and
it is already implicitly present in the mathematical structure of the Standard
Model. The minimal left ideals determined by the Witt decomposition correspond
naturally pairs of leptons or quarks whose left chiral components interact
weakly. The Dirac algebra is a distinguished subalgebra acting on the ideals
representing leptons and quarks. The resulting representations on the ideals
are invariant to the electromagnetic and color symmetries, which are generated
by the bivectors of the algebra. The electroweak symmetry is also present, and
it is already broken by the geometry of the algebra. The model predicts a bare
Weinberg angle θW given by sin2(θW)=0.25.